In today's increasingly global arena, technical knowledge alone is not enough to ensure success. Sophistication is more and more the catchword. Given a choice between two equally talented individuals, corporations will choose the candidate with greater interpersonal & social grace skills to represent it. As our world becomes a smaller place and our economy becomes increasingly global in scope, it is becoming increasingly clear how important good manners are in all cultures. In fact knowing how to treat others well is more important now than ever. By examining how good manners apply to our working world, we will benefit ourselves, together with everyone around us. After all who we are shows in how we behave and how we appear to others. How we look, talk, walk, sit, stand, eat – ie; how we present ourselves-speaks volumes about who we are and creates the impression we have on others. This is true not only in personal life but more so in our professional life.

With a world that’s becoming more & more competitive, proper business etiquette and interpersonal skills play an increasingly important role in the success or failure of anyone’s business career and the company they represent.

Knowing how to behave courteously & professionally is far from trivial. Etiquette and protocol do count in the business world, as no matter how brilliant an employee may be, his or her lack of social grace can make a bad first impression on clients & business associates.

Take a look at the following.

Less than 30% of U.S. (the world’s largest economy) businesspersons sent abroad can be expected to succeed. Training for employees prior to an overseas assignment can save companies tens of thousands of dollars, benefit the employee, and increase the company's chances of being successful… The Wall Street Journal

The Japanese (the world’s second largest economy) spend an estimated $900 million a year on training, related to etiquette and protocol… Diana Rowland, California Japanese business practices consultant.

The importance of etiquette is thousands of years old. Around 2500B.C. the first etiquette manuscript gave this advice to young Egyptian men on the fast track: "When sitting with one's superior, laugh when he laughs." The Instructions of Ptahhotep.

John Rockefeller once said: ‘I will pay more for the ability to get along with people than for any other ability’.

40 percent of all adults have social anxiety, and 75 percent of all adults experience anxiety at a party with strangers (from: Dr Bella De Paulo’s: People Often Can't Judge How They Impress Others).

The World’s Top Consultant, Peter Drucker was quoted as saying, "Be ready or be lost; if you don't think globally you deserve to be unemployed and you will be." Business Week.
You cannot image how necessary it is to mind all these little things; for I have seen many people with great talents ill received - Lord Chesterfield.

Studies have shown that more than 60% of what is believed about us is based upon visual messages.

At many Fortune 500 companies, top management take potential front line employees to lunch or dinner to observe their comfort level with executives, spouses, waiters and even the various pieces of silverware. Like it or not, management equates good manners with competence and poor manners with incompetence. Table manners can make or mar a mega-merger, especially in an era when companies are competing on the basis of service-this can be a crucial business skill. Good manners are good business!

Your inability to handle yourself as is expected could be expensive--no one will tell you the real reason you didn't get the job, the promotion, that big business deal or the social engagement. Fair or not, others equate bad manners with incompetence and a lack of breeding, and the cumulative effect of this repeated faux pas in an organization can be devastating leading to a major loss of respect, credibility, loss of reputation, and business!

Your Success can start today with ‘Polish that builds PROFITS’!!

Training at ‘Etiquette Works!’ will increase your confidence in your image, business etiquette and interpersonal skills to help you build rapport and trust with your business customers and associates. Proper business & social etiquette will give you a competitive edge in today's market… infact, it’s the only survival skill required!

Being comfortable in a variety of environments and cultures is one of the end results of etiquette training and as the business world becomes increasingly diverse, there has been a tremendous awakening & realization that etiquette training increases Teamwork, Productivity, and Employee Retention resulting in Business Growth by helping everyone get along, and Outclassing the Competition.

Etiquette Works! It sure does…and understanding this, enables our training programs to be appropriately focused to help promote the required sophistication and self-awareness needed for success in today's corporate environment. We offer a growing range of programs to suit your needs, through regular Public Programs all over the country or Specialized In-house programs customized to suit a specific need, with a range of modules to choose from.